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Projects Overview


ComponentPriorityObjectiveAssigned toReport to
Microfluidic Pump1TBDPiyush
Microfluidic Chip (DNA Synthesis)2Create a chip with exposed -OH groups with highly turbulent flow over the mixing region to achieve Solid Phase DNA Synthesis.Matthias, PattTina, Piyush
Microfluidic Chip (PCR)2Create a connected PCR chip which can amplify free floating single stranded DNA.Samuel, PiyushTina, Piyush
Microfluidic Chip (DNA Capture)2TBDSamuel, PiyushTina, Piyush
Bioreactor2Create a Bioreactor to allow Wet Lab to Culture E Coli for their experimentsSamuel, PiyushTina, Piyush


ComponentPriorityObjectiveAssigned toReport to
Encoding2Implement a software pipeline that when given a file location to write to DNA, creates the DNA sequence(s) to be synthesizedSebastian, LucyLucy
Decoding2Implement a software pipeline that when given a request to retrieve a file, does the opposite of encodingRiya, LucyLucy
In silico testing1Given an input string, error rate of DNA synthesis generate faulty sequences to test against our encoding/decoding algorithmLucy, Sebastian, RiyaLucy
Error Correction1Create an error correction algorithm to work with semi-specific encoding, short nucleotide sequences and high rate of deletion errors.Riya, LucyLucy
GUI3Design a user friendly interface that can be used by our iHP interviewees to try out our DNA storage softwareAll software + other dry lab if desiredLucy


ComponentPriorityObjectiveAssigned toReport to
TdT Reaction Kinetics3Design an expression for the reaction kinetics of TdT. The result would be an expression where we could find the concentration of cofactors, reagents, etc that allow the kinetics of nucleotide addition to be equal for all nucleotides (A, T, G, C)Lucy, PiyushWet Lab Leads
Bioreactor Modelling3TBD