How to Document

How to write Markdown

Refer to these documents on how to write markdown if you are using:

Check out the CommonMark quick reference first. Much of this document is borrowed from the rustdoc book[^rust].

Here are some features you must use in our internal wiki:

  1. Adding References. See above

  2. Adding Tables. To make cooler tables, check out the GitHub Tables extension.

| Header1 | Header2 |
| abc     | def     |

  1. Adding task lists.
- [x] Complete task
- [ ] Incomplete task
  1. Warning blocks
A big warning!
<div class="warning">A big warning!</div>
  1. Latex, via MathJax
\\[ \mu = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=0} x_i \\]

\[ \mu = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=0} x_i \]

  1. Graphs via the DOT Language
  1. Including Files

Note you can write HTML in Markdown as well! But please refrain from doing so unless necessary.

If you want to see all the Markdown features available to you, here is the spec.

How to add inline citations

  1. edit src/bibliography.bib, check here for the fields to fill out. For example,
    url = {},
    author = {D. J. A. Clines},
    journal = {Journal of Biblical Literature},
    number = {1},
    pages = {22--40},
    publisher = {Society of Biblical Literature},
    title = {{The Evidence for an Autumnal New Year in Pre-Exilic Israel Reconsidered}},
    volume = {93},
    year = {1974}
  1. Then call your reference in any mdbook file like this: [@ref_name]